The Rule of LGOPs (Little Groups of Paratroopers) A Metaphor for Resilience

On this the 71st anniversary of the World War II D-Day invasion it is only fitting to remind ourselves that rarely do things go as planned in battle. The 18th century military strategist Carl Von Clausewitz called it the “fog of war.” It must have been pretty foggy on the night of June 5th and…

Performance, Risk, Complexity & All That Jazz

What do we mean by “performance?”  It’s not a philosophical question to ponder over a Starbucks.  The world is awash with complexity and uncertainty. It’s show time, folks. Performance? Are your expectations realistic?  Better yet, are your expectations relevant?How do you know? We know from ecology that some entities – fish, fauna, football teams, multi-nationals –  become…

Game Changing Risk & Globalization

There is no free lunch. You want global reach? Well, you also get global risk. You cannot just outsource and forget, or it will come back to bite you in your market capitalization and brand loyalty. Upstream trading partners are much less “visible” while simultaneously assuming more and more control over key manufacturing and process operations. Today it is all about supply side risk and developing resilient strategies to survive in the global market.